ORC Central Rating Office
ORC Rating Offices are established worldwide in each country with active offshore racing. Rating Officers are issuing ORC International and ORC Club certificates, administering their national fleets by supervising the measurement and rating of the yachts. For countries where a National Rating Office is not established, the ORC central office provides complete support in issuing certificates and supervising measurement. If you are a National Offshore Sailing Federation wishing to start your own Rating Office, please contact ORC for details.
It looks like you’re in .
If so, here’s details for your rating office:
Luke Scott
ORC South Africa
80 Upper Manard Street
Vredehoek 8001
Cape Town, South Africa
Tel: +27 829 248 434
E-mail: rating@orc.org.za
Ron Barmatz
106, Levi Eskol St.
6936185 Tel Aviv, Israel
Tel: +972 543 972 901
E-mail: orc@iyc.co.il
Masakazu Takagaki
21-43, Fujigaoka 1chome, Aoba-ku,
Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
Tel: +81-90-8726-5213
E-mail: jsaf.orc.rating@gmail.com

June Lee
Inharo 100
Inha Technical College, Bldg 5, Rm 105, Nam-gu
Incheon, S.Korea (22212)
Tel: +82 010 9558 6248
E-mail: fjlee@inhatc.ac.kr
Gert Schmidleitner
Sport Consult
Abtsdorf 137
A-4864 Atersee, Austria
Tel: +43 7666 7207
Fax: +43 7666 7207 14
E-mail: schmidleitner@sportconsult.at
Lachezar Bratoev & Svetlin Karadzhov
Morska Gara 1
Varna 9000
Zoran Grubiša
Erazma Barcica 15
51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Tel: +385 51 371 045
E-mail: zoran@scor.hr
Philippos Georgakis
PO Box 45084
7101 Aradippou, Cyprus
Tel: +357 99 531 617
Fax: +357 25 328 953
E-mail: geophilcyp@hotmail.com
Mikael Jeremiassen
Dansk sejlunion
Idraettens Hus
DK-2605 Brondby, Denmark
Tel: +45 4326 2197
E-mail: websejler@sejlsport.dk
Andrus Aarna
Estonian Yachting Union
Purje 8, maja 3, ruum 306
11911 Tallinn, Estonia
Tel: +372 511 0255
E-mail: moodukiri@puri.ee
Joakim Majander
Matinlahdenkatu 3 E25
FI-02230 Espoo, Finland
Tel: +358 44 976 85 44
E-mail: joakim.majander@jmsensors.fi
Robert Jacobsen
Gruendgensstr. 18
D 22309 Hamburg, Germany
Tel: +49 40 632 00964
E-mail: technik@dsv.org
Panayotis Papapostolou
Marina Delta Falirou
P.O. Box 78550
17602 Athens, Greece
Tel: +30 210 940 4825
Fax: +30 210 940 4829
E-mail: ratoff@offshore.org.gr
Gennaro Aveta
Via Camaldolilli 24
80128 Naples Italy
Tel: +39 333 8763585
E-mail: ufficioratingaltura@federvela.it
Rudolfs Romans
Latvian Offshore Sailing Association
E-mail: ljba.offshore.sailing@gmail.com
Vygantas Stankus
Lithuanian Sailing Union
Zemaites 6,LT-03117 Vilnius, Lithuania
Tel: +370 6502 8392
Fax: +370 5278 4972
E-mail: orc@buriuklubas.lt
Godwin Zammit
90 Misrah San Alwigi
Birkirkara BKR1472
Tel: +356 21 440 068
Fax: +356 21 440 068
E-mail: gza@maltanet.net
Arend van Bergeijk
Rating Office The Netherlands
DeWeerelt van Sport
Orteliuslaan 1041
3528 BE Utrecht
Tel: +31 30 751 3700
E-mail: wedstrijdsport@watersportverbond.nl
Wojciech Denderski
Biuro ORC w Polsce
ul. Bohaterów Warszawy 25/2
72-100 Goleniów, Poland
Tel: +48 662 236 707
E-mail: orcpolska@gmail.com
Lopo Pizarro
Federação Portuguesa de Vela
Doca de Belém
1300-038 Lisboa, Portugal
Tel: +351 968 460 317
E-mail: orcportugal@gmail.com
Adrian Panait
Romanian Yachting Federation
Str. Conta Vasile, 16
Bucuresti Sector 2
Bucuresti, 020954
Tel: +40 740 063 300
E-mail: a.p.panait@gmail.com
Bojan Gale
Ulica IX Korpusa 12
SI 6310 Izola, Slovenia
Tel: +386 41 670 354
E-mail: bojan.gale@gmail.com
Patrik Erlandson
Swedish Sailing Federation
AF Pontins Vag 6
115 21 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel: +46 708 252 152
E-mail: patrik@ssf.se
Bruno Frank
Haldengassli 76
CH-8706 Feldmeilen, Switzerland
Tel: +41 79 693 01 80
E-mail: befrank@bluewin.ch

Kerim Topoyan
Feneryolu Mah.
Kumbaracılar Street No:15 D:14
Kadıköy İstanbul, Turkiye
Tel: +90 533 921 52 14
Petro Lytvyn
Sailing Federation of Ukraine
42 Esplanadna str. Of. 815
01601 Kiev, Ukraine
Tel: +380 67 503 8061
Fax: +380 44 220 1294
E-mail: orc.ua.office@gmail.com
North America
Bastien Pouthier
2 Signal Hill
Fort George, St. James
Trinidad, W.I.
Tel: +1 868 762 1911
E-mail: rating@pouthier.eu
Jim Teeters
1 Roger Williams University Way
Bristol RI 02809
Tel: +1 401 342 7953
E-mail: offshore@ussailing.org
Online Rating Application Form
Website: US Sailing
South America
Yacht Club Argentino
Viamonte Y Rio de la Plata, Darsena Norte
1107 Buenos Aires, Argentina
E-mail: pgutierrez@yca.org.ar
Rodrigo Castro
Rua Dr. Barcelos, 1825 - Tristeza
Porto Alegre - RS - Brasil
CEP: 91.910-251
Tel: +55 51 998742632
E-mail: rcastro.magia@gmail.com
Francisco Viada
Herrera 239
Codigo postal 8350524
Santiago, Chile
Tel: +56 2 681 08 70
Fax: +56 2 681 27 93
E-mail: fviada@daclima.cl

Paul Miller
Building 9 Apartment 2
Welfare Road 38
Cole Bay, Sint Maarten
Tel: +1 721 581 0864
E-mail: paul@regattaguru.com
Roberto Peschiera
Wortec S. A.
Av. Del Pinar 124, Of. 302
Santiago de Surco, Lima 33, Peru
Tel: +51 1 616 50 50
Fax: +51 1 255 37 61
E-mail: peschiera56@gmail.com
Chris Zonca
Australian Sailing
Locked bag 806, Milson's Point
NSW 2061, Australia
Tel: +61 2 9170 6917
E-mail: ratings@sailing.org.au
Martin Hannon
Yachting New Zealand
PO Box 33 1487, Takapuna, Auckland 0740
New Zealand
Tel: +64 21 360 230
E-mail: martin.a.hannon@gmail.com