Free Seahorse on-line publication

Seahorse is the world's foremost international performance sailing magazine, published every month, highlighting all that is new and exciting in offshore sailing.
Use the perks of the ORC Certificate holder
For this reason, we feel it is a good fit with the interests and activities of the ORC community, and are offering it for free for the monthly issues that have our ORC column published: February, April, June, August, October, and December.
- Please select the Seahorse Online issue you wish to view (click on the cover page on this page below). Use the Sail Number and the ORC Reference Number on your boat's certificate to log in and read Seahorse.
- If you wish to read the ORC column only, this is available in PDF format in the links listed on this page below.
For those that may want to have a monthly subscription to Seahorse, in either digital or print copy, use the following links to receive a special ORC discount:
- To purchase a monthly digital subscription at a promotional 50% off rate: go to
- And to purchase a monthly print edition subscription at a promotional 33% off rate: go to