The Canyon Cup 2024 incorporating the ORC Doublehanded South African National Championship

The inaugural South African ORC Double-Handed Championship will be held on 19-20 October 2024.

The Championship will be staged as a single offshore race, known as the Canyon Cup 100, with an intended course of 100 miles. The start will be in the bay under the majestic Table Mountain in Cape Town, sailing west along a rugged coastline and then offshore to a waypoint above a 1000m underwater canyon drop-off at the edge of the African continental shelf (just under 40 miles offshore), and back to the finish directly south of the famous Robben Island in Table Bay, Cape Town.

There is an impressive entry of 40 yachts, and the current weather predictions show moderate south-westerly winds moving south as the race progresses.

“This will be an incredible test of skill and endurance,” says race co-chairman Matthys Lourens, continuing, “We are proud yet humbled to see such strong interest in this unique event.”

The championship will be scored using the full power of ORC Weather Routing Scoring.

All entry fees have been donated to the Little Optimist Trust, which uses exposure to sailing to facilitate healing (both mental and physical) and enhance well-being and quality of life among a young and diverse South African population. The event, which is being held in the V&A Waterfront, forms part of the Boatica (formerly the Cape Town International Boat Show) programme.

The championship is held in partnership between Shorthanded Sailing South Africa, the South African Ocean Racing Trust, and ORC South Africa. It is a national championship fully endorsed by South African Sailing.

For further information please contact Matthys Lourens on cell +27 [0] 83 270 2344 or email